In Ms. Kelly's Senior Infants' class, we investigated the strength of different types of magnets. We took a trip to the Science Room and had great fun testing the different types of magnets. In order to test the strength of the various magnets we counted how many paper clips each magnet could hold. Back in our classroom we then collated the information we had gathered onto a bar chart. We were able to see clearly which magnet was the strongest.
We had free play with the magnets first and tested different materials for magnetism.
We thought that the biggest magnet, the horseshoe, should be the strongest.
1. We identified and named the different magnets.
Box of magnets
Bar magnet
Paddle magnet
Horseshoe magnet
Green disc magnet.
2. We decided to use paperclips to determine the strength of the various magnets.
3. We tested the different magnets.
*We also found out that we were able to control the baubles inside the Galileo thermometer and move them up and down using a magnet!
We found that the paddle magnet was the strongest and held 11 paper clips. See results on our bar chart below:
Note: If we were to do this experiment again we would not use the paper clips as we found that the amount of paper clips each magnet held changed when we repeated the experiment.