We had fun giving instructions to the Bee Bots. We programmed them to travel in different directions and to move from one point to another on the town map.
4th Class Electricity -Ms.Keyes
We went down to the science room on Thursday and learned all about renewable and non-renewable resources. We spoke about ways to help stop global warming and how we can save energy at home. We also made circuits. We made an alarm go off and a fan spin!
Third Class Projects
Third class have been really busy in June working on an animal project. Most children chose an endangered animal to work on. We spent sessions in the computer room researching our animals answering questions about habitat, diet, classification and predators. They had a lot of fun doing their work and presenting their work. They even got to present their work to Senior Infants!
Over the last few weeks Third Class have been learning about Homes. We discussed the various types of houses such as detached, semi-detached, terrace, apartments, bungalows and duplexes. We talked about the various rooms in the home and things we might find in these rooms. We identified our favourite rooms in our house and this inspired our "Through the Keyhole" images.
Talking about Homes lead to discussions about Homelessness, an issue in which the children had some knowledge on. The children were very aware of the fact that some people sleep on the streets, in shop doors, near the beach etc. We also talked about the fact the homelessness comes in lots of forms. It can be couch surfing, sleeping in your car, maybe living in a hotel. It is not having a space to call your own. It made us realise that we are lucky enough to have a home!
We also created homes as a group project. The children worked in group to design the rooms in their home. The only criteria, they had was that there needed to be a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom and living room in each home. So amongst each group they decided who was making what. Some children worked individually and others worked in pairs. They had a great time making their homes and are very proud of them.